Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Hi there! No, I ahve not fallen off the edge of the earth. Roger is in rehab not too far from our house so my days are now filled with spending some time with him and catching up with all that needs to be done since the earth stopped spinning two months ago. At least that feels like what happened.
I couldn't figure out the mystical, magical method for making these pictures appear in order but, at least, I got something posted. The lovely hand handsome couple over here are my son's Mother and Father-in-law. Aren't they great? Such wonderful people. My son is very fortunate to have this family for support.
The pillow at bottom was made by his MIL Cheryl and the shot of those gorgeous Galasso women is awesome. So pretty. The photographer took some fun shots and I got a huge kick out of them.
Anyway, I'm off to do some clean up and then to the rehab center.
Thanks for checking in and saying hello. I really appreciate all your good thoughts and prayers. It's going to be a long haul but we're finally on the road.