These are the blocks I am working on in the Robyn Pandolph fabric. Even though I tried to fix the colors, the one on the left is truer to the real tones. The red dot is more of a wine color and the green dot is more soft and olive. Well anyway, it's coming along a block at a time.
I planted flowers today and my body is screaming from the shoulders to the knees. Getting old is not pretty. It's taking me days to plant a couple of trays of flowers that normally would have been in the ground a while back. I planted a sweet potato vine in among some other stuff. Just for giggles. The lady at the nursery said I should be able to pull up some sweet potatoes in the fall. Clearly she doesn't know who she's dealing with. Around here I wouldn't be surprised to see a critter sitting in the flower bed in Sept with a salt shaker and a fork full of potato. Makes for interesting viewing.
I had meant to lay out all the blocks that I finished and take a picture of them for you but that will have to wait till tomorrow. It's late in the day here and I need a big cold drink and a lot of pain meds.
One of my favorite blogging people quit blogging today. It made me think about my reasons for starting this and how I feel about it now. Not sure. Maybe I need to think about it when I feel better. This blog has not turned out to be what I originally intended. I wanted it to be more of a journal of my thoughts and my life and opinions. Since the blog got discovered by local folks, I don't feel free to comment on things and give my true feelings about things like politics. It's not that I'm a particular political pundit but I have been slammed viciously in other places for speaking my mind. I guess I thought I had a tougher skin. These past few weeks some things that are very hurtful have happened culminating in a REALLY hurtful experience this past weekend when I opened the paper and honor was bestowed on numerous people for their work in the community. Not one mention of my name and I've been at it for 12 years. People were honored who left and retired more than 2 years ago. I've never been one to stand in the room screaming "look at me, look at me" but I guess the old saying about the squeaky wheel is true. They even honored a woman who came 6 years after me. When I mentioned this to the director of the Ecumenical Lay Council, of which the Food Pantry is one off-shoot, he told me they only honor people when they leave. With that, I told him I quit. I actually thought it would be unkind of me not to come back in Sept after my son's wedding, and finish out the busiest time of the year. They can look for someone who will write over 500 letters in December and pay for the postage and all costs associated with the job. It's the printer ink that kills you(kidding). I really loved my job and the communicating with so many generous people in the community. It was a time sucker but I made it what it is today. Time to pass it on to someone else. I will miss it but it will leave me with a boatload of time. That's the upside.
Anyway, I think that this accounts for my mood and then reading that a good friend won't be blogging just made it a kind of sad day all around.
Well, I'm off to try and do some more blocks and try to regain my sense of humor and question if it's time to re-think the blogging thing. Maybe just come back in another bloggy form?? I'll let you know and I appreciate ever one who is nice enough to comment. You make the day much brighter. Thanks.