As some of you might know, I don't deal well with heat. In fact I don't deal with it at all. You could just drop me off in a place where the temps never go beyond 65 and I would be eternally happy. Since I live in this humid, damp, coastal village summer is not always a plus for me. I have a sort of love/hate relationship. Ever since i was blessed with that change of life thingy, as Roger often says, my thermostat is broken. I get very warm and can't seem to adjust. Hot, hot, hot. On that note, I made a few visits to places I needed things from this morning and my last stop was the video store. Since I hadn't been for a while and since I'm not aware of anything that was drawing me there, I decided to see what I was missing. The movies all looked awful except for two. I got these two. I'm making Mel small since I can only take him in small doses. Maybe he won't go spouting a bunch of religious crap if I keep him tiny. Just shut up, stay sober for 10 minutes, and act Mel. That's all we're interested in. Of course I had been waiting for Young Victoria for a while so that was a happy find.
After that I went directly to the TV section since we do not get HBO or Showtime and I love getting a whole season of one of the programs so I can enjoy the entire story in a short time. The new season of Big Love isn't out yet and The Good Wife isn't out either. Those are my big wants. Nurse Jackie was a program I heard a lot of good things about so I'm giving it a go. I could watch these things on the computer through HULU but the computer is downstairs and I can't sew or really sit in front of it all day. Well, I could, but then there will be questions from the family as they look for clothes to wear and food to eat. Party poopers!
My current project is finishing up a few things I uncovered during the move to the sewing room. I found the small diamond piece I had made. I'm contemplating what to do to finish it. Piano key border? Not sure.
Sorry about the mess with these pictures but I can't seem to get blogger to move anything around like it used to.
I'm off to do some laundry, ironing, and movie watching. Hope you are staying cool.