Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I've done more gardening this year than in the last 3 years and my back is telling me ENOUGH! Here is Roger's tomato plant. It's grown a lot since he planted the little thing a couple of weeks ago. There are a large number of bunnies in the yard who are keeping a close watch on it. They are waiting for the darling little tomatoes to appear so they can have a special luncheon party. Seriously, we have a Momma bunny and two small bunnies who come out daily and eat bird seed. Naturally they prefer the Goldfinches thistle seed at $14.00 for 2 lbs. to the rather plain regular bird seed of the common kind. Good thing I love watching them. We are not serious gardeners here with vegetable patches and such. We realize that we are out-numbered and out-cuted by our furry garden friends. The word is out and we have no dogs to deter their fun so, essentially, this is critter paradise. Yesterday the chipmunk stretched his little self and ate Roger's blueberry flowers. We're all about the amusement factor here. The geraniums are going in the porch planter boxes since they like a lot of sun.
I'm not getting much done on the sewing front since the planting is causing me a lot of discomfort in the back and sciatica area. The one thing I'm working on I really can't show since it is one of the two gifts I'm going to finish for gifts.
I must go and work on those things while I can sit comfortably. It doesn't last long. I'm going to be one of those old ladies who carry around a poofy little pillow for my behind. I should make myself one.
Time for a cuppa tea and a bite for lunch. Come on over and join me!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Quilting blog....Really???

Here's a shot of one of the Hibiscus I got for Mothers Day from Roger. It's the most vibrant color. James got me the pink one I showed in the last post-that is smaller but full of blooms in a very pretty pink. I've been so busy planting and cleaning and somehow never getting around to the fun quilty stuff. My fault really since I am the Scarlett O'Hara of housework. I'm very behind in the mundane things that need to be done. Housework sucks. You may quote me.
My BIL Bob is back to work today after a few days of discomfort from his procedure last week. He seemed in fairly good spirits yesterday and that made us worry a little less. One day at a time.
I've been giving the gifting of quilts a lot of thought. I think I'm going to lay off the gifts for a while. I foolishly think it means something to others because it means something to me. That's very arrogant of me to assume that others can understand the value or importance of something hand made. We just don't live in that world anymore. A blogging friend made a quilt for a silent auction at a school to raise funds and the highest bid was $40. That speaks volumes about how people value hand made work. That small bid wouldn't even pay for the materials for the finished quilt not to mention the time and care put into it. Sad.
Anyway, I have a number of things to finish and bind and I think I'm going to keep them with one or two exceptions. Then I'd like to work on a quilt I've been saving fabric for. Maybe I need something a bit more of a challenge to re-energize my spirit.
Hope you are doing something fun in the sun. Talk to you soon.