Monday, February 26, 2007

Playin' Dress-up

Here is the outfit I wore to the Oscars last night. What? You didn't see me?? How very un-observant of you. This came about because Deb of Red Shoe Ramblings (link on the right)asked us to play along and pick outfits we would wear if we were attending the show and we were the perfect Hollywood body type and could wear anything- I found a number of beautiful things but frankly-red looks Mahhvelous on me. Just ask my husband. I won his heart in the little red summer dress. Yesseree!! So I had fun doing something girly-girly. I live with 3 guys and so girly girly things are far and few between. If I were wealthy-I would buy these shoes just to look at them. Deb will understand...shoe fetish here! Can't walk in them but who cares.

I seem to be in the doldrums-much like a lot of other blog friends. As a skip around the blogging universe I notice that a bunch of people are feeling as blah as I am. Still working on the nine-patch piece and looking for a pattern for some very special fabric I have been saving for a quilt for myself which my generous husband has said he will pay to have quilted in the far off future when I finish it. (Whew-runonsentence) I have collected fat quarters of really lovely Robyn Pandolph fabric for a couple of years. I just can't decide what to make them into. They are pretty, soft, florals. I have a couple of ideas I may play around with.

Yesterday we attended a birthday coffee hour for my late MIL Dot's best friend, Evie. She is known as Aunt Evie to us and she's very well known in our village. It was nice to see her. We don't get to visit with her nearly enough and she's so thoughtful and funny. After that we all came home and vegged out for the rest of the day. Woke up this morning to 3+ inches of fresh powdery snow. It's warm so I hope it will go away soon. I'm ready for spring. Here's my other outfit and, of course-my Manolos. Oh Baby!

Going to play with fabric possibilities-see you soon.


Deb R said...

Oooh, both those outfits are beautiful, Dee, but of course I especially love the RED.

You know the cut of that pale blue/gray one at the bottom is something I could actually wear in real life, although that shade of blue would be a bit washed out for me. But I just had to mention that because it's not often I come across these photos and think "hey, I could actually wear that!" (in a larger size, of course...heh)

Rian said...

I love the red one. Where's the diamonds?

Anonymous said...

Why you little vixen, you! I had no idea ...

Needleroozer said...

I like the red shoes, and the soft blue dress,lol.
I haven't been in the doldrums till just today. My dh has a new job, and is gone for two weeks, and I am struggling with being everything for my two kids, and being in two places at once, which my dh usually always helps with.
What am I to do when I have a seminar (I'm coaching- supposed to be there), the state speech tourny in which you ds placed in two events, and your dd has a group lesson in conjunction with piano adjudications all in the same day?? Sigh.

Janet said...

Your dresses are gorgeous! Gotta love that red one!! And the shoes are to die for....and I probably would if I tried to walk in them! In my younger days I would have worn them without a thought but now I go for comfort.

Anonymous said...

You must have looked mahvelous. By the way, I do not have the blahs. Perhaps I will when I get back to the Northwest and the rain and chilly temps. But for tonight, it is warm and dry and I am having single malt, waiting for the steaks to get grilled. We might even eat outside.

dee said...

Thanks Ladies for the nice words.
Jane Ann-I think you're quite the vixen as well. We disguise ourselves very well but it takes one to know one. Still waters and all....
Needleroozer-I wish I could help you-you sound overwhelmed and in need of a shoulder. It's great to hear from you although I hope things improve soon.I can remember being alone and exhausted when Roger was away and I was alone-and I only had one small boy. I will keep you in my thoughts.
Janet-I can't walk in those shoes anymore either-I would be in traction if I tried-but I can dream.

dee said...

Hi Gerrie-Save me a piece of that steak and I'll have a drink too-some deep, rich, red for me......Glad you don't have the blahs. I'm enjoying your trip pics. Very interesting place and house.