Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Got Wheels???

Hey...knock knock....hey! I'm trapped in my house...without a car. The upside-I'll probably get something done. Why is it though that when you don't have a car that's the moment you MUST DO SOMETHING IMMEDIATELY but YOU DON"T HAVE A CAR.

I know it's a mind game but weird nevertheless.

James is having his Baby#2 (car) painted this week and so he is using my car. Dani (gorgeous daughter-in-law to be)is his Baby #1 but she doesn't need painting. He is starting a new job next Monday and it involves more money and a ridiculously short commute(about a mile)so he is loading up the various pieces of the Baby #2 that have been worked on or abandoned for newer car stuff into my SUV and taking them to a dumpster. For the last few days he has been very sick with a stomach virus not of the swine variety(thank goodness).

We are all fine so far. I just got a little stomach bug and I'm fine now. It was so little in my case that it didn't even effect my consuming a couple of slices of pizza last night. Italian food is like mothers milk right? It cures whatever is bothering you. Good for colds, flu, viruses, etc. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

I'm working on the Blocks for the American Jane and I think I've gone as afar as I want with it. I also sewed up some Log cabin blocks from a nice assortment of fabrics I got in a Keepsake monthly shipment recently.

The last picture is a gallon bag of cut selvages that I have been saving since I found the fabulous Selvage Blog of Karen Griska. If you haven't had a look go now and do so...I'll wait...Jeopardy music......Isn't it cool. Seriously you can spend a while viewing the amazing creations of people from all over who decided that selvages are so pretty you can't bear to throw them away. That and because I needed another fabric passion(ahem). She asked for people to show their collections of selvages and mine is so meager that I am shamed but want to remind everyone who knows me to save their selvages for me...Terry. On the right side of Karen's blog there is a pattern for flying geese using selvages that is very cool looking. I must try this when I get enough saved.

Anyway, May is just around the corner and everyone I know has a birthday in the next two months so I better get going on some gifty things.

Of course, I could avoid all this if one of you would come and pick me up for lunch-I'm buying???Anyone????


Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

I'd be over in a jiffy if I could!
I'll take you up on that lunch this summer... ;-)

Love those log cabin in the red white and blues, great fabrics it looks so fun and cozy, not just, patriotic..

Sorry your stuck at home, but think how much you'll get done on sewing! You've got an excuse!

Gerrie said...

It will take me a while to get there, but I'd love to go out to lunch.

Hope you get lots of quilting done!!

Kay said...

Those really are great fabrics! I somehow must have missed the close ups before.

Finn said...

I think I'm too late for lunch, how about breakfast??? *VBS* Sorry about the no car state of affairs, could be worse, right? Love the American Jane, but enough is enough, right? That's my new word, right? Big hugs, Finn