Monday, July 27, 2009

The Great Blueberry Masacree

I may have mentioned earlier this year that we were surprised at the end of winter to find that the blueberry bush(and I use the term loosely)had survived the cold and even had a couple of flowers in the spring. Out of those flowers came three precious berries at the tip of a very skinny branch. Not holding our much hope, since we have given over free reign to the chipmunks and squirrels, etc, we fully expected to see those three little berries scarfed up my the local wildlife some time ago. BUT WAIT...there's more. All season long we have gazed at the berries waiting for the inevitable morning when they would be gone. Yesterday, Roger got out the camera and took some photos of the biggest and, nearly ripest(??a word)berry. I told him he better eat that berry. Sure nuf, I came downstairs this morning and that beautiful berry was gone. James and I had to laugh when Roger went out to the deck and searched the ground just in case it early fell off...right. There were some might big blue jays with their wings over their beaks laughing as well. So, there are two more berries and, once again, we wait. Honestly, If I could have gone out there and glued a blueberry to the branch in time I would have. Ah well, such is the life of the farmer. Roger has several tomatoes on the one big plant. Did I mention that we have a sudden outcropping of rabbits all over the darn place? Shall we have a pool on the tomatoes? I say third week of August at least one goes missing. The fact is, we just love the critters too much. I do feel sorry for the critter that messes with the tomatoes. That may change at least one mind around here.
Here in the northeast we are having a terrible tomato blight. All the good tomatoes that usually come from Jersey may not be available this year. They say it got to a lot of them on Long Island as well. The more I think about this the more I think about a BLT with mayo on bakery bread...sigh...snif. I may have to look for those great Canadian tomatoes we found last year at a farm stand a bit west of us. They weren't perfect but if the real thing is not available, they may have to do. What is summer without the BLT?
I'm still waiting for my new glasses so the sewing hasn't yet begun. Back soon.


Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Hey lady! One lonely blueberry! yeah, well I didn't get any raspberries, darn birds.. But I see some wild ones about ready in the woods!!
tomato blight. haven't had any here. I'll save you a couple... ;-)
Summer is zipping by. and I feel i've had little time to do anything...

Libby said...

Last year I watched my apricots (3 I believe) like a hawk. There as NO way I would share them with the birds. I managed to pick each just before they became bird food and I felt victorious.
Guess I should have shared . . . . this year not a single piece of fruit on my tree *sigh*
Wish I could send some California tomatoes your way. I'm feeling a little like 'Libby Tomato-sees' traveling with bags of tomatoes to leave wherever I go *s*

Darcie said...

lol Great story! Poor guy. Maybe you'll find some roadside stands with fresh blueberries on your Friday adventures? ;-)

Mmm. BLTs. Yum!