Thursday, January 14, 2010

Found UFOs

A while back I had the desire to try some redwork and found some old patterns through an embroidery site I can't remember. I tried to do it and then some other shiny object flew in front of my face and I was off on another tangent. Adult ADHD. Yesterday I was moving some things into the new room and I came across a couple of these. They were both unfinished(surprise) and along with them I found a whole bag of selvages I had cut from fabric I purchased during the last year after discovering Karen's Selvage blog She has the best stuff on her blog and her book is really a treasure. She made a quilt called Red Zinger out of selvages that is just gorgeous. Have a look see if you get a minute or two. I will put the redwork in a place where I have to look at it more often and it's easy to get to. Yeah...that'll work. By the way, you would have laughed at me a couple of days ago when I tried to use my sewing machine for the first time in months. I forgot what to set it on and, essentially, how to use the damn thing. It took me a little while to get totally comfortable with it again.
I stopped at the video store yesterday while running other errands and picked up the last season of Big Love. It's a favorite of mine and I'm really enjoying it. I have a lot of ironing to do today. The least I can do is provide Roger with some decent looking clothing to wear to work. Things are not a lot of fun for him there right now-hopefully the chaos will smooth out soon. I need to make some pasta sauce for later and get myself organized so I can go off to Tarjay and a couple of other places with Terry later. One of the quilting ladies is away on a trip so it's just us two. We could cancel but the weather has been semi-lovely(for January in NY) and besides...we need stuff. I need to make a list and then I need to remember the list. Sad.
If anyone is looking for me I'll be the one in the laundry room behind the iron. Bring muffins


Three Birds Inspired said...

I am probably one of the very few women in the world that enjoy ironing. Sad. (I like to vacuum, too.) There maybe something terribly wrong with me...

Rian said...

I am so with you on everything you said. Including the ADD.

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