Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Go Google yourself!

I was reading a blog that I enjoy, With Heart in Hands, and she talked about Googling your name. I did this a while back and was kind of horrified to find that the main entries for my name were for a woman sex therapist in Scotland. I tend to put an inner voice to things like this and so, of course, amused myself with the Scottish-accented conversation that one could have with this woman regarding such matters. I know, such a child! My first reaction was that I was horrified and then I just laughed. Google is an amazing tool-amazing and a little scary. There were some other entries that appeared often and one was a football player-also an amusing thought-although if I don't return to Curves and a diet soon I may fit the Linebacker profile really well.

Yesterday, my whole darn day was blown with Dr. stuff. I have this very unusual thing that appears on my face from time to time in the form of watery blisters and swelling. It seems like a really bad sunburn and the blisters open and yuck I don't want to spoil your day with the rest. Anyway. I had a bout of it before the vacation and...ta dah....it's back! The only answer it to take a biopsy and so far, it keeps appearing in a part of my face that the Dermatologist doesn't want to cut for fear of scarring. She said she is sure its a benign thing with a long name and since there is medicine that gets rid of it really quickly-I just have to go with it for now. I can take Benadryl to stop the awful itching but then I'd be sleeping all day so I'm trying to be very patient(I can hear Roger laughing about that one right now). I've been a lucky woman in the illness department and so it has resulted in my complete lack of patience for anything that gets in my way of doing what I want. This stuff on my face looks like I have severe acne on top of a sunburn and I'm ashamed to say that I'm vain about my face. There is only one positive thing about this stuff-it results in a peel-just like a sunburn and the new skin is really nice. Sort of like having a chemical peel at the Dr. If there is an upside-that's it. In a week or two, instead of looking like this guy-

I'll go back to looking like this

See you round the bell tower


Anonymous said...

You are a stitch! I should look as good as Dame Edna.....

Michele Bilyeu said...

I can't decide if I like you better in sack cloth or drag. Perhaps, if you go drag, and I wear my Dominatrix outfit and we take turns with the leather whip... we could do a cabaret act, together. Can you sing at all? I can't.

Anonymous said...

My daughter Lisa gets something like this on her body - comes and goes. Her skin is so soft and very delicate. Steph and I have sandpapery, dry skin.

You can't fool me, you don't look like either of those pictures.

Janet said...

You are too funny! But I guess it helps to have a sense of humor when it comes to our bodies....they always seem to be doing something unexpected!

Deb R said...

I've done the name googling thing before and have found that Deb Richardsons are actually a pretty cool bunch of people. The other ones I found were a computer programmer, a former professional volleyball player, a poet, a painter, and a jewelry designer!

Hope your face feels betterrrrr soon! (Note the Scottish burr when I said "better!" Heh.)

Terry Grant said...

You are a riot! We must be soul sisters. When The Thistle and the Shamrock comes on the radio I talk with a Scottish brogue, like Fi-ooona Rrrrritch-eh, for an hour afterward and amuse myself no end. It drives my family crazy. A Scottish sex therapist would be even better!

Rian said...

You look mahvelous, dahling.

I complain constantly about my rosacea. Not only is it not pretty, it hurts! I'm going to do something about it after the holidays.