First I have to say thanks to Roger for the new header. He was kind enough to make it for me last week and even sweet enough not to be cranky when I asked for a change in font over the weekend. Above you will see Roger's blueberry bush....what's that you say....what blueberry bush? Well truth be told we got it last spring and it never went anywhere and then the only flowers it got were during the wrong season and while it was in the basement-where there are no bees to pollinate it's darling self. When fall rolled around it had been attacked by squirrels and fat little doves and what tiny branches it had were bent and broken. He left it out all winter thinking we would throw it away with the spring trash. Funny thing, nature. It got leaves and started to look green a few weeks ago. We'll see what happens now. I did see some bees out there over the weekend. It was great to see honey bees at any time. They were playing in the pansies. Happy little bees-glad to see ya!
These blocks are paper pieced and just like eating chips, you can't do just one. They are addictive. I've always wanted to make a mini with this type of block and so now I am on the way to having one.Most of these fabrics are from the Historic Keepsake Quilting Medley of the month collection I have been saving for who knows what. A lot of them are Civil War repros.
The weather is fabulous out. Sunshine and flowers. No complaints except a few sneezes and coughs from the pollen.
I ordered some things from Land's End. What a great company they are. So far from HoP service it's amazing. Helpful people on the phone and Hey! Did you know that you can get everything you order in a box at once!! Me neither. On that note, Friday the FedEx guy dropped off another roll of thread form youknowehere. Yes, that's right. One roll of thread in a FedEx bag. The gifts just keep coming.
Hope you have a sweet afternoon. I'm off to the treadmill and then back to the mighty Viking to see more stars.
Love the cheerful new blog header. Your little stars are just too cute! Jen
Awesome header!!
Tell Roger he did good. Every time you write about the thread, I crack up. It is a good thing I am not drinking at my keyboard
Love the pansies, love the little stars. Red and white quilts are my favorites! Our blueberry bushes look much healthier than yours, but we never get any blueberries. The birds get them first.
Love the stars! You did a great job on the geometric one...not an easy task!!!
What a sweet little story about the perceverance of your blueberry bush! Hope this year Springs new hope for it!
YES!!! to the header!
How exciting to have a revived blueberry bush. We shall have to compare notes on the arrival of berries. If it happens, they will be my first blueberries ever.
Oooh, pretty pretty pansies! Or maybe they're Johnny jump-ups. Violas? I don't know my flowers. Obviously...
Pretty little stars! Keep making 'em. I like CW fabrics more and more; they're a change from some of the trendy stuff.
What a visual treat you are today! The new header looks like you sound about spring weather. And I'm dyin' here over the stars. Love the colors, the size, the design. Addictive, huh? Know the feeling....
Now put down that cane, you crabby little thing, you.
Dee....wonderful header now!!!!!
It's ok for springtime....
I love these fabrics and the your blocks are so pretty!!!
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