Monday, March 16, 2009

Stuff Continues to Happen

O.K. I'm being polite and not using the phrase I would like to but nevertheless it's all too much stuff lately.
I miss my sewing machine, which has been covered, relegated to the basement, and left in the dark...much like me.
We have family visiting for a few more days and so there is just too much going on that is of no interest blog-wise. Cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, dinner out, etc. My son had his colonoscopy last week-he has ulcerative colitis and is taking meds for that-he is otherwise doing well. BIL Bob will have treatments for his illness begining next week. Multiple weeks of radiation. We love him and will do our best to help him keep his chin up during this. As for me, I had to have the cauterization to my nose again last week-bad nosebleeds, blood vessel that will not heal. Too much information???Just shoot me! We will all survive and spring is on the way.
I'll be back with better chat next week when I attempt to resume normal activity around here. Miss you all and I haven't even had a chance to read around and see what's up. Talk to you soon...don't forget me!!!


Gerrie said...

Miss you, too! I stopped taking baby aspirin and my nosebleeds are happening less often and stop rather quickly, but I am so tired of walking around with tissues stuffed up my sleeve, just in case.

Libby said...

Hang in there *s*

Selvage Quilter said...

Hang in there, Dee!
Your clip art says it all. :)
We know what you mean.

Michele Bilyeu said...

Dang, Dee. When it happens the piles just get larger and larger. But trust me...a lot of us know exactly how this feels. If we can reach you over the piles of crapola...we extend big hugs from our hearts to yours.

Rian said...

Life seems to have its hills and valleys. I like the view better from the peaks, but in order to see the rainbow we have to have rain. Sucks. My sis has ulcerative colitis and that sucks too.

Sending you positive vibes (that I can muster..the sh*t is piled high here too), that things get sunnier and brighter for you real quick.

Terry Grant said...

When it rains it pours. Boo. Sorry to read about all the crumminess. It really does seem like spring would help, doesn't it? I'm ready. Take care, hang in, etc. etc. Sending good thoughts...

Grazia said...

My dear Dee,
I'm sorry to read about your stuff...think positive...rainy days are over!
Good thoughts from Italy!

Debra Dixon said...

Thanks for keeping us in the loop-no matter how sh*tty.

Cindra said...

So sorry... how miserable!!! Hope things get better!

Darcie said...

You poor dear. I'm certainly glad to hear that you're progressing now though.
