What a great Monday this is turning out to be except for the fact that I can't open Gerrie's blog or leave a comment for her. Don't know what that's about-hope it's better soon. I'll try again to link to her later
First I get a "you make my day" award from Gerrie. What's really so wonderful about it is that she put me in with a group of really talented women and I'm thrilled to be mentioned in the same sentence with all of them. Must stop blogging and sew something soon.
Then, as if that were not enough cool for one day, I open Terry's blog and find myself the soon-to-be recipient of one of the lovely birds that she has made.I was lucky enough to be one of the 3 PIF recipients. This means a lot to me since I was not lucky enough to be able to buy her "Bird & Rice Bowl" which is so beautiful. Some other lucky New Yorker got her hands on it before I could.
Anyway, this is just the best day.
The sun is shining and it's 55 degrees in January in NY.
Now I'm supposed to give the award to 10 people that make my day and tell them on thier blogs about it. I really don't like picking out people. The only way I can do this is to pick people who are the first ones I read daily and the ones who have made a difference in my day so often. Anyway, here goes. Along with Terry & Gerrie,
http://vermontquilter.blogspot.com/ Dorothy-wicked funny-great talent
http://debrichardson.com/blog/ Red Shoes Rambling Deb-great writing as well as sewing.
http://fibermania.blogspot.com/ Mrs. Mel-very cool, very dear first blog I ever read so it's all her fault
http://exuberantcolor.blogspot.com/ Wanda- the prolific & unbelievable talent
http://www.tommythematerialgirl.blogspot.com/ Tommy-fun all around
http://with-heart-and-hands.blogspot.com/ Amazing entries, fun, informative Michele
http://yarnstorm.blogs.com/ Just plain breathtaking photography, needlework, and a recently published writer-
http://tttl1998.blogspot.com/ Tanya in Japan-fabric & Japanese culture
http://www.littlesomethings.blogspot.com/ Kim-everyday something new and exciting to see. Fabulous photography
http://rianammermanstudio.blogspot.com/ Rian-amazing artist-with recipes too. Her piece called "Chinese Gothic" still gives me goosebumps.
Wow, I really hate making lists. There are so many other wonderful blogs I visit that make me smile and are so talented. It feels a bit like Jr. High to have to pick only 10. The first blogs I open each day are Gerrie and Terry(rhymie, heh). They up-date almost daily and always have something to teach me.
Thanks, ladies, for the gifts you give each time I check in on you all.
Thank you Dee, for the honor and also for the wonderful description of my blog! I already recieved it and passed it on once so I'll let the others do it this time.
Thank you very much! Likewise, I'm sure! Your blog is funny, witty, and captivating, and one I always check out when I'm making the rounds.
I shall do my best to live up to the honor.
I am deeply honored to accept this award. I could not have done any of it without the help of an entire crew of people...my director, my producers, my make-up artist...whoops, wrong speech. I'll write this one later. Have to start designing my evening gown and sewing on all of the sequins. Oh? Are you and I singing and dancing at the ceremony or did you hire somebody? I'll be hitting the road for Alaska on Wednesday, but I got my kuspuk made...maybe I'll just wear that ;)
See! Now this is why I love your blog. You did an eloquent job of listing your awards. Mrs Mel got me started, too. You make me laugh and you ofen make me think.
Thanks for including me, Dee! You make my day too!! :-)
PS...I couldn't open Gerrie's blog yesterday either.
Aw, thanks, hun! I'm touched (just ask anyone I know, they'll tell you I'm *seriously* touched. In the head!)
I have a few minutes extra this morning, gonna go explore your other honorees. Some are old firends, some are brand new friends to be. Can't wait.
Awww, that's so nice! Your little bird went in the mail this morning. You should have it by the end of the week. Hope you like it.
Oh Dee!!!!
I was going to give the same award to you....but you already gained it !
I would have rewarded you as the most amazing blog!!!! :):):)
thank you Dee for the wonderful compliment! xoxoxoxoxox Kim
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